The dynamic and invigorating nature of sun salutations
Sun Salutations, also known as Surya Namaskar, are a series of yoga postures that are traditionally associated with the energy of the sun. These postures are known for their dynamic and invigorating nature and are often used as a way to warm up the body and prepare for a more strenuous yoga practice.
Sun Salutations typically involve a series of postures that flow smoothly from one to the next and may include lunges, plank pose, downward-facing dog, and upward-facing dog. Some Sun Salutation sequences may also include warrior or chair pose. Sun Salutations are designed to be performed in a flowing manner with breath and movement synchronized.
The practice of Sun Salutations can provide a range of benefits for both the body and the mind. These postures can help to build strength, flexibility, and endurance in the body, and can also have an energizing effect on the mind. Sun Salutations can be particularly helpful for increasing energy levels and reducing feelings of fatigue or sluggishness. By incorporating sun salutations into your yoga practice, you can tap into the dynamic and invigorating energy of the sun to elevate your physical and mental well-being.
One important technique is to focus on your breath and try to synchronize your movements with your inhalations and exhalations. When practicing with a faster tempo, inhalation ideally is synchronized with movement into a chest-opening pose, and exhalation is synchronized when the lungs and body are contracted, such as forward bends. This can help to create a smooth and flowing rhythm in your practice, and can also help to bring a sense of calm and focus to your mind.
Another important technique is to pay attention to your alignment and try to maintain proper form in each posture. This can help to prevent injury and ensure that you are getting the most out of your practice. It can also be helpful to focus on one posture at a time and to take your time as you move through the sequence. With practice, you can find your own rhythm and flow in your sun salutation practice and can begin to experience the many benefits that these postures have to offer.
The Classic Sun Salutation Sequence of 12 poses
Begin the sequence moving through the flow outlined below first to the right, stepping back and then forward with the right leg, then repeating on the left side for the second set. This completes one round. Two sets, first with the right leg leading into the pose and then with the left leg, equals one round for a balanced practice. As outlined below, this Sun Salutation sequence has a count of 12 poses.
- Prayer pose – Pranamasana (“before bending forward pose”)
- (Exhale in Prayer pose and then inhale into:
- Raised Hands (or Arms) pose – Hasta Uttanasana (“raised hands pose”)
- Exhale into
- Standing Forward Bend pose – Hastapadasana (“hand to foot pose”) or Uttanasana (“standing forward bend pose”)
- Inhale into
- High Lunge pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana (“horse movement pose”) (or substitute with Crescent Low Lunge pose – Anjaneyasana (“son of Anjani pose”)
- Holding breath, move into
- Plank pose – Phalakasana (“plank pose”)
- Exhale into
- Eight Limbed pose – Ashtanga Namaskara (“Eight-limbed salutation pose”)
- Inhale into
- Cobra pose – Bhujangasana (“cobra pose”) (or substitute with Upward-facing Dog pose – Urdva Mukha Svanasana (“upward-facing dog pose”)
- Exhale into
- Downward-facing Dog pose – Adho Mukha Svanasana (“downward-facing dog pose”)
- Inhale into
- High Lunge pose – Ashwa Sanchalanasana (“horse movement pose”) (or substitute with Crescent Low Lunge pose – Anjaneyasana (“son of Anjani pose”)
- Exhale into
- Standing Forward Bend pose – Hastapadasana (“hand to foot pose”) or Uttanasana (“standing forward bend pose”)
- Inhale into
- Raised Hands (or Arms) pose – Hasta Uttanasana (“raised hands pose”)
- Exhale into
- Mountain pose – Tadasana (“mountain pose”)
Repeat on the opposite side, left leg actively moving into and out of lunging poses to complete one round of the Classic Sun Salutation.
The physical and mental benefits of sun salutations
On the physical level, Sun Salutations can help to build strength, flexibility, and endurance in the body. These postures involve a variety of movements that can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles and can also improve balance and coordination. Sun Salutations can also help to improve cardiovascular fitness and increase energy levels.
On the mental level, Sun Salutations can have an energizing effect on the mind and can be particularly helpful for reducing feelings of fatigue or sluggishness. The practice of Sun Salutations can also help to bring a sense of focus and clarity to the mind and can be a great way to start your day feeling energized and ready to tackle any challenges that come your way. By incorporating Sun Salutations into your yoga practice, you can tap into the dynamic and invigorating energy of the sun to elevate your physical and mental well-being.
Techniques for incorporating sun salutations into your practice
There are a few key techniques that can help you to incorporate Sun Salutations into your practice effectively. Here at If So Inclined, we feel the best way is to register and join our 108 Salutations Challenge!
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